Student policy at Ea

Students and interns are an integrated part of Ea Energy Analyses and a pivotal element of the philosophy of the company. They are a human resource that we could not do without. We employ student assistants, interns and collaborate with students writing their master thesis or other university projects.

Ea acknowledges that the students contribute with new input and new ideas to the company as students are closely linked to the research and scientific activities at the universities. This helps Ea to maintain a dynamic connection to the academic world. Students not only renew and develop Ea’s network, they also provide a breath of fresh air to the company.

Potential future employees

In a job market where it can be difficult to recruit qualified staff, students are a way to get in contact with and train potential future full-time employees. Even if the student should choose to start their career in another company, keeping close contact with the students after graduation is important to Ea.

Socially, the students also contribute to Ea as a dynamic and attractive company. The size of the company is an advantage in this area as it is easy to get to know everybody and to get an overview of all aspects of the company. This creates a good atmosphere in the company, which makes it easier for students to ask questions and discuss projects freely.

Real life experience

Ea offers student assistants and interns a good opportunity to get “real life” experience on the elaboration of different projects. A student position or an internship is a good way to try out the technical and theoretical competencies from the university in real projects. As a student or an intern at Ea you will be given a set of responsibilities for the tasks you carry out, which requires commitment and willingness to learn.

What students can expect from Ea

It is an essential part of the thinking in Ea to respect the fact that the students are undergoing training, and therefore it is an integrated part of being a student at Ea to receive feedback in order to enhance the learning processes.

Personal contact person or mentor

The student assistants and interns at Ea will work closely with the other staff members and thus gain from their experience. Furthermore, each student – whether intern or assistant – will be associated with a full-time employee, who will function as a mentor or contact person.

Students writing a university project will also have a contact person, however, the relation to this person and the obligations might vary, depending on the type of project and the synergies with Ea’s other projects.

Guidance and help

The contact person or mentor can help the students and interns with technical questions and project-related issues, including potentials and constraints of being a student and intern at Ea. The contact person has the responsibility to introduce the new student to Ea on their first day and answer any practical/organisational questions the student may have.

Especially in the first few months, the student will need guidance to the practical procedures evolving at Ea and it is therefore important that the contact person prioritises this task.

Students, as well as full-time employees, can always contact any of the four partners, Anders, Hans Henrik, Jesper, or Lars, if they feel stressed or discontented with their job at Ea. Preferably, issues regarding the well-being of the staff should be discussed before they evolve and become actual problems.

Find more information about the various possible roles for students at Ea: