On February 12, Nordic Energy Research will launch their new report “Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress” at an online event. In the report, a comprehensive look into the..
On January 16th, the China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute and the Danish Energy Agency hosted a Workshop on Green Power Consumption, where the new Sino-Danish Green Power Cooperation..
Together with IDA (Danish Society of Engineers) and Copenhagen University, Ea Energy Analyses hosted a seminar on January 22nd, 2025, where news from the international cooperation on efficient..
Ea consultant Morten Tony Hansen gave a presentation at the 2024 IEA Bioenergy/BBEST conference in São Paulo on the topic “installing carbon capture technology on a large wood..
We are excited to have won a contract to support GET.transform, a European multi-donor programme that supports public partners in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean in advancing power sector..
In the recently published report “Pyrolyse på Samsø” (Pyrolysis on Samsø), Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an investigation of the life cycle perspective and the economy of..
In a new article in Klimamonitor (Danish web-media on climate issues) Ea partners Hans Henrik Lindboe and Anders Kofoed-Wiuff speaks on the government’s target of quadrupling the production..
Energy Modelling Lab and Ea Energy Analyses has conducted this year’s Danida course on energy systems modelling and the Balmorel model. The course helps students build capacity within..
The 2-day workshop on “Co-optimization of generation and transmission capacity in developing an efficient national power system and long-term energy planning in Pakistan up to 2050” was carried..
In the September issue of the member’s magazine for the Danish society for nature conservation, Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, Ea consultant Helena Uhde has been quoted in an article on..
The North Sea Wind Power Hub (NSWPH) has published a new study, Pathway 2.0, which focuses on the integration of offshore wind in the European power and hydrogen..
On 17 June 2024, Christian Bang of Ea Energy Analyses presented at a webinar hosted by IEA Bioenergy. The webinar attempted to shed light on the shift that..
Earlier in May, Ea had the pleasure to host two workshops with partners from Indonesia, along with the DEA, to present and discuss modelling of West Java and..
As Ireland transitions away from a developer-led towards a plan-led model for Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE), in which the state obtains a pivotal role, a series of policy..
On April 24, 2024, the 8th China Energy Modeling Forum (CEMF) with the theme “Towards 2035: Accelerating the Development of a New Energy System for a Low Carbon,..
Ea Energy Analyses has developed a GIS tool that can find the best placements for wind turbines and solar plants in the countryside, and for solar on roof..
In a new report for the Danish think tank CONCITO, Ea has analysed the potential for CCS in the supply sector and looked into how new climate goals..
Ea has investigated “Contracts for Difference”, a part of a proposed EU reform of the electricity market design, which provide a revenue guarantee for low carbon generators. However,..
As part of an ongoing analysis project for Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), Ea Energy Analyses has assessed the value of green transition of energy supply in Europe. The..
In a new report made for CIP Fonden, Ea Energy Analyses has looked at the potential costs and benefits of carbon storage with the use of biochar in..
On December 13, the Eu-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP) hosted an event to present results from three studies developed under the programme. Ea has taken part in the..
While the journey towards a sustainable future requires a continued global effort, it’s essential to acknowledge that, like any journey, the first steps must be small and local...
The Danish Energy Agency recently published a new study of the Danish wood pellet market in 2022, which was carried out by Ea Energy Analyses The study shows..
The Danish Energy Agency recently published a new Urgent Technology Catalogue for the Ukrainian power sector at a conference in Poland, where the Ukrainian Minister of Energy, German..
The EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP) has published a new report titled “Investment and Technologies for Net-Zero Carbon Infrastructure”. The report was co-authored by Ea Energy Analyses. Recognising the..
Today, Ea Energy Analyses has published a new report titled “Value of Demand Flexibility in the European Power Sector”. The report is the result of an analysis carried..
Last week, representatives from the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses, and the Danish Embassy in Pakistan participated in a conference on green energy solutions hosted by Worldwide..
The EU China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP) hosted a public event on 12th October 2023, where results from the ECECP II Flagship project were presented. The project is..
In a recent article, Helena Uhde of Ea Energy Analyses has looked at jobs in the clean energy sector – what skills are in demand, where to find..
Together with CONCITO, Ea Energy Analyses has mapped the carbon reduction contribution of 92 municipalities, thereby covering 98% of the Danish population and geographical area, that have developed..
On September 21st, the IEA Bioenergy Task 32 organised a workshop aiming at describing consequences of installing carbon capture technology at biomass and waste combustion units. Ea Energy..
Ea Energy Analyses has made recommendations for the charging infrastructure in relation to the electrification of the Agersø III and Omø ferries. In an analysis carried out for..
Ea Energy Analyses is looking for new employees who are passionate about working in the energy and climate field, in possession of a great analytical skills, and who..
On 15 May 2023, Ea Energy Analyses hosted and facilitated an online industry workshop session focusing on the ongoing development of Ireland’s hybrid interconnection policy. Luis Boscan presented..
On Wednesday April 19, the district heating companies VEKS and Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme inaugurated their new pit thermal energy storage in Taastrup. The new storage unit will benefit..
In a recently published report, Ea has mapped the actions for carbon reduction in climate action plans developed by 39 Danish municipalities as a part of the DK2020..
Ea has developed a catalogue of heating solutions for areas where district heating will not be available for a while. Climate concerns, rising prices, and focus on energy..
An analysis of Greenland’s options for entering the Paris Agreement was recently submitted for public consultation by the Greenlandic government. The analysis was carried out at a cooperation..
On Wednesday March 29, Task 32 is hosting a seminar on bioenergy and carbon balances together with IDA. The seminar, which will be in Danish, will have a..
Greenpeace has published a new scenario analysis about the biogas production in Denmark. The analysis, which was carried out by Ea Energy Analyses, contains scenarios showing that it..
Consultants from Ea Energy Analyses recently visited Kenya on a first mission as part of a cooperation between Denmark and Kenya, where they engaged with stakeholders from the..
The digital newssite Klimamonitor, which focuses on how the green transition is realised, describes the Danish cooperation with China in the energy field in a new article (in..
At the Chinese Pavilion on the COP27 climate summit in Sharm El-Sheik, the Energy Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research launched a Special Report for COP27..
The IEA Bioenergy Task 32 has published the report “Inventory of national strategies for reducing the impact on air quality from residential wood combustion”. Ea Is the country..
The China Energy Transformation Programme (CET) has published a new China Energy Transformation Outlook report for 2022. Ea Energy Analyses took part in preparing the report and provided..
In a new article, Anders Kofoed-Wiuff and Hans Henrik Lindboe describe how a new analysis done by the Ea electricity market model surpricingly shows that the 27 EU..
Hans-Henrik Lindboe from Ea Energy Analyses did a presentation on “Power-to-X costs and scenarios” at the Danish Energy Day webinar hosted by Montel Group on Thursday 7th April...
Earlier this month, the report “Benchmarking study for transmission planning methodologies – A comparison between India, Europe, the Nordics and Denmark” was launched during an event in Delhi...
EVU (secretariat for the education of electricians and plumbing-energy trained professionals) has published two reports made by Ea Energy Analyses that focus on the competencies needed by electricians..
Anders Kofoed-Wiuff of Ea recently presented in a webinar series by Energiforsk and Nordic Energy Research, delving deeper into the results of the Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios project,..
Ea Energy Analyses recently published a report titled “Value of Forecast for a wind power plant Owner”, as a part of the IEA Wind Task 36 phase II...
On behalf of the Danish Energy Agency, Ea has mapped the the total supply of wood pellets to the Danish market in 2020. The study shows a clear..
As a part of the EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP), the ENTSO-E grid planning modelling showcase had an overall objective of demonstrating whether the European methodology of transmission planning..
As part of the government-to-government partnership program with Indonesia, the Danish Energy Agency developed several analyses, showcasing how renewable energy can be cost-effective and support the decarbonization of..
The new study China Energy Transformation Outlook 2021 (CETO2021) was presented at COP26 on Wednesday November 10. The study presents pathways for China to reach their targets to..
The Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios project uses scenario modelling to identify actions necessary to reduce energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, and to map possible long-term pathways to obtain carbon neutrality. Nordic..
In August the Technical University of Denmark conducted a four-week course on the power system model Balmorel. For this course they partnered with Ea Energy Analyses and Energy..
Ea Energy Analyses has taken part in updating the Vietnam Technology Catalogue, and the new version was published last week. The first catalogue was published in 2019. The..
Ea consultant Alberto Dalla Riva has recently returned from a trip to Indonesia. After a long period with no travels, it was good to be able to visit..
As a means to combat global warming, numerous projects focused on extracting CO2 from the atmosphere, often labelled as “negative emissions”, are now being considered or are already..
The EuroGrid project has been awarded the Innovation Award from Energy Cluster Denmark. Ea Energy Analyses entered a partnership with ENFOR, DTU and Ørsted to carry out the..
Related to a current bill (L-148) that is to promote renewable energy, Hans Henril Lindboe of Ea Energy Analyses has written a debate post for the online media..
In partnership with the Directorate General of Electricity in Indonesia (DGE) and the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses has updated the 2017 Indonesian technology catalogue. The existing..
In an analysis for Dansk Energi (lobby organisation for the Danish energy companies) and Dansk Fjernvarme (the Danish District Heating Association), Ea Energy Analyses has investigated the potential..
KL, the Danish national association of municipalities, has published a plan for adapting the Danish waste incineration capacity, by shutting down 30% of the capacity during the next..
Ea Energy Analyses carries out scenario analyses of the development of the power system in Denmark, Europe and several other countries and regions. The most recent analyses show..
The brief “Brint og Ptx i fremtidens energisystem” (Hydrogen and PtX in the future energy system) has been prepared by Ea Energy Analyses for Dansk Energi (lobby organisation..
Together with German company Energynautics, Ea Energy Analyses has won a contract for an extensive energy system study for the North Sea Wind Power Hub. The study will..
In their most recent newsletter, the EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP) has presented the ENTSO-E Grid Planning Modelling Showcase, a project Ea Energy Analyses is partnering on, as..
Together with the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses has prepared a report on liberalisation of the Danish electricity sector. The hope is that the report will provide..
Ea Energy Anlyses has, together with COWI, Viegand Maagøe and the Danish Technical University, won five framework contracts. We are going to contribute with analyses for the Global..
The new report “Deployment of BECCS/U value chains” was published by the IEA Bioenergy Task 40 last week, with contributions from Christian Bang at Ea Energy Analyses, the..
On June 16, IEA Bioenergy Task 40 held a webinar including a presentation from Christian Bang of Ea Energy Analyses, the Danish country representative in the task. The..
On behalf of Ørsted, Ea Energy Analyses has carried out a study on synergies between substantial offshore wind power buildout and the increasing need for transmission grid to..
Along with NIRAS, PlanEnergi, BDO and Advokatfirmaet Energi & Miljø, Ea Energy Analyses have been given the task of giving advice for the many CHP’s that are vulnerable..
The five Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – have some of the most ambitious energy and climate policies in the world. Despite this, achieving..
As a part of the Danish-Ethiopian energy cooperation, Ea Energy Analyses will work with the Minstry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, MoWIE, to develop energy planning for the..
Electrification is increasingly seen as a crucial prerequisite for achieving the Danish climate ambitions of at least 55% renewable energy in 2030 and independence of fossil fuels in..
At the second physical meeting of the IEA Bioenergy Task 40, Christian Bang from Ea Energy Analyses participated as the Danish country representative. DBFZ, the German biomass research..