Heating plan for Furesø Municipality

Denmark | February 2021 - August 2021

Furesø Municipality takes actions to further the green transition, and the municipality is therefore taking part in the second phase of the DK2020-project. By participating, the municipality commits to making a climate action plan to reach the targets set by the Paris agreement, including having a net zero carbon emission in the municipality as a geographical area by 2050 at the latest.

An important area to focus on in order to reach the municipal and national targets is the heat supply. Furesø Municipality is today primarily supplied with district heating from Farum Fjernvarme and Vestforbrænding, respectively, as by individual heating by natural gas and oil burners. The municipality wishes to support a change from gas and oil burners to heat pumps or district heating, which gives the opportunity for a green heat supply.

The main question is how Furesø Municipality ensures the cheapest green heat supply for its citizens and businesses, and where to make the cut between district heating and individual heating with heat pumps. In addition, other environmental conditions, for instance noise, can influence the choice.

Given the substantial changes in the national framework during recent years, an updated heating plan was needed. Furesø Municipality therefore asked Ea Energy Analyses for aid in developing the plan and the analytical foundations for the plan. The heating plan is an important part of meeting the climate targets Furesø Municipality has set in DK2020.

Based on an analysis of district heating production costs, the potential for district heating, and supply for new constructions, Ea developed a proposal for the heating plan.

The project ran from February to August 2021.