EurObservER – Barometers for the development of renewable energy in the EU

EU | June 2010 - July 2013

In collaboration with several other energy actors, Ea Energy Analyses has developed and published barometers that measure the progress made by renewable energies in each sector and in each EU member state. The barometers, which are publicly available, contain the most updated data for each RE sector, as well as socioeconomic data and positive case stories from the various member states.

Status for the progress in all RE sectors
The project aims to take stock of the development within the renewable energy sectors in the individual EU member states at regular intervals so as to highlight the countries’ progress towards meeting the EU’s RE Directive. During the three years, Ea Energy Analyses was involved, there has been published 15 thematic barometers, presenting the most up-to-date indicators and trends in the development of eight renewable sectors and an annual overview barometer, assessing the development of all renewable energy sectors in each member state. The eight sectors includes wind power, photovoltaic, solar, thermal and concentrated solar power, geothermal heat pumps, solid biomass, biogas, municipal solid waste and biofuels. Ea Energy Analyses will continue to publish the barometres from EurObservER.

Meeting the target of the RE Directive
The project is supporting the fulfilment of EU targets on renewable energy through translation of the RE Directive into the EurObservER objectives and by dissemination of the barometers within the EU. In addition, the project is highlighting best practice examples of the relationship between national policies and regional conditions.

The project is supported by “Intelligent Energy – Europe” and conducted in collaboration with French Observ’ER, German RENAC, Dutch ECN (Energy Center Netherlands), Slovenian JSI (Jozef Stefan Institute) and Polish IEO (Institute for Renewable Energies).

Ea Energy Analyses has delivered data for the barometers to strengthen the focus on the Nordic countries. Ea Energy Analyses was, among other things, responsible for the data collection from Denmark, Sweden and Finland from June 2010 until July 2013.