Energy Efficiency Obligation in Taiwan

Regulation and policy measures | June 2014 - November 2014

Ea Energy Analyses has conducted a study for Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan. The purpose of the project was to provide an analytical view on how to best plan and implement a successful Energy Efficiency Obligation (EEO) Scheme in Taiwan based on international experiences. As a part of the project, the following work packages has been delivered:

  • EEO in Denmark
  • International comparative analysis
  • Feasibility of EEO in Taiwan
  • Presentation of findings

The focus was on the Danish EEO but examples from France, Italy, Poland, UK, and Vermont were also included. Further, the purpose was to present a discussion on the relevance and feasibility of an EEO in Taiwan. The preliminary findings was used as basis for a workshop in October 2014 with key stakeholders in Taipei, Taiwan.