Evaluation of research and development programs

Denmark | February 2015 - October 2015

The objective of the project was to evaluate the results and impact of three research and development programs, namely

  • EUDP – the energy technology development and demonstration program, 
  • ForskEL – the research programme for development and integration of environmentally friendly power generation technologies for grid connection, and 
  • ELFORSK – the support program for applied research, development, and deployment of efficient use of electricity at the end-users. 

The Danish Climate, Energy and Building Ministry decided that as of 2015 evaluation of the three programs has to be conducted jointly in order to allow forcompilation of their results and total impact. The evaluation approach had to be common for all three, but at the same time accommodate assessment of the unique features of each program, given their different objectives and legal framework.

The evaluation was carried out by COWI (project leader), Ea Energy Analyses and DAMVAD. The work included preparation of a proposal for a prospective evaluation paradigm.