Framework conditions for thermal gasification

Denmark | December 2016 - July 2017

The project comprised work package 4 in a EUDP project managed by The Partnership for Thermal Gasification (Partnerskabet for Termisk Forgasning) which ran from August 2014 to July 2017. The project contributed to the foundation that leads to the formulation and implementation of a strategy for thermal gasification.

The goal of the project (WP4) was:

  • to investigate to which extent thermal gasification technologies are competitive from a business economic perspective with today’s regulation
  • to investigate how thermal gasification technologies can become competitive towards 2030 within the framework of subsidy models and other regulations assessed in line with the harmonisation of RES subsidy regimes, which are being discussed intensively in the EU these years

WP4 investigated and described the connection between framework conditions and expansion of the thermal gasification technologies that support the transition to a “green” energy system. In this context, framework conditions represented subsidies, taxes, and other regulations promoting or hindering a socio-economically attractive expansion with thermal gasification plants.