Power transmission system planning for variable renewable energy

India | January 2021 - February 2022

An action plan for the Indo-Danish Energy Partnership Programme (INDEP) has been developed in close collaboration with Indian institutions (CEA, POSOCO, CERC) under the Ministry of Power. On this background, the main aim of this project was towards implementation of part of the activities of the action plan for Output 3.2 (enhanced flexibility of the Indian power system for integration of RE).

Integration of variable energy production from renewables creates a need for increasingly flexible power systems. To address this issue, this output supported the enhancement of transmission planning in India.

The increasing share of variable renewable energy will be a challenge for the overall power system, including the transmission system at the operational as well the planning levels. The Danish TSO Energinet, EA Energy Analyses, and Danish Energy Agency (DEA), are working towards sharing knowledge and experiences with Indian institutions such as CEA and PowerGrid, regarding integration of high shares of variable renewable energy in the transmission system and enhancing the transmission planning approach.

The objective of the assigned task was to enhance the internal and cross-border approach to power transmission system planning, through benchmarking and evaluation of planning methodologies, techniques, and practices. The resulting consideration can be applied to assess projects related to transmission system expansion in a transparent process, based on robust technical and economic indicators, as well as meeting important criteria such as reliability, affordability, and sustainability.

The project ran from January 2021 to February 2022.

Second phase

The project continues with a second phase in 2022, where Ea has taken part in finalising the report “Benchmarking Study for Transmission System Planning Methodologies”, which can be downloaded on this page. The report was presented at a workshop in Delhi in March 2022.

This phase also includes scoping out a pilot transmission project to carry out a cost benefit analysis on, in order to share methods and experiences. This will be done in collaboration between CEA, CTU, Energinet, the DEA, and Ea Energy Analyses.