Digital solutions for energy efficiency

Denmark | January 2021 - August 2021

Ea has investigated the socio-economic and energy related potential for energy savings through digital solutions for energy efficiency in the building mass towards 2030. This means efficiencies obtained through automatic operation and control, including intelligent and digital solutions, which can be applied in connection with both new buildings, as well as renovation projects.

The purpose of the analysis was to find the potential for savings by using digital solutions for energy efficiency in different types of buildings (homes, commercial buildings, and public buildings), and to calculate the economic, energy and carbon reduction gains by realising this potential.

The analysis was limited to dealing with the energy usage and the potential for savings following from this within the total energy usage for light, heating, cooling, water, and ventilation. Energy consumption for classical electricity, such as white goods and appliances, was therefore not analysed.

The project was carried out for Danfoss, Grundfos, Schneider Electric, and SYNERGI. It ran from January to August 2021.