Plan for adjustment of the waste incineration capacity in Denmark

Denmark | August 2020 - December 2020

In December 2020, KL, the Danish national association of municipalities, published a plan for adjusting the Danish waste incineration capacity, by shutting down 30% of the capacity during the next ten years.

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses prepared a background analysis as a basis for the decommissioning plan.

The plan had to ensure that the environmentally worst plants close, that there is an efficient distribution of waste volumes between the plants, and that the least efficient plants are closing. The environmentally approved capacity of 3,95 million tons should thereby be reduced by 30% to 2,77 million tons in 2030.

The background report, Kapacitetstilpasningsplan for Affald – Analyserapport (in Danish), shows the method of analysis and a number of prerequisites for the plan. Based on the criteria mentioned above, the report lists a number of plants to be decommissioned by 2030. This list of decommissions was later rejected by the governmental bodies.

The project ran from August to December 2020, and the report can be downloaded on this page.