Wind power integration in Egypt

Balmorel: Power system model | October 2014 - June 2016

What is needed if Egypt is to seriously invest in wind power? This project focused on the possibilities of having 7,200 MW wind power in the Egyptian power system, which is about ten times as much as today.

Questions included how the transmission network should be strengthened, and what was needed in the power system to exploit the wind power in the best possible way, as well as how to avoid curtailment in critical cases of too much wind compared to the electricity consumption.

Analyses were conducted in the Balmorel model with particular emphasis on the dynamic properties of the traditional power plants. These properties were important for the amount of curtailment of wind power.

The project was carried out for EETC, the transmission company in Egypt. Sweco was project leader and Ea Energy Analyses, EMD International, and SEAS-NVE participates.