RD&D strategy for thermal gasification

Denmark | December 2017 - June 2018

Thermal gasification can become an important part of the future energy system. Ea Energy Analyses has, on behalf of the Danish Partnership for Thermal Gasification, collected input from a number of stakeholders to compile an overall RD&D strategy.

The report describes the partnership, how Denmark is far advanced with gasification technologies and processes that can play a role in energy systems worldwide, and that the market for gasification technology is large in both Denmark and abroad. However, there is still a significant need for targeted research, technology development and demonstration facilities as well as favorable long-term framework conditions to get investors involved. Download the report Strategiudspil termisk forgasning (in Danish) from the link on this page.

The strategy is featured in the Danish Bioenergy R&D magazine (FIB) issue 64, which is a themed publication on thermal gasification. The magazine (in Danish) can be downloaded on this page.

Please visit www.forgasning.dk to find out more about the Danish Partnership for Thermal Gasification (also in Danish).

The project ran from December 2017 to June 2018.