Modelling and capacity development in Mexico

Balmorel: Power system model | December 2022 - October 2024

Ea has supported the Mexican National Institute on Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) with modelling activities and capacity building, focusing on the energy system model Balmorel.

After signing the Paris Agreement, Mexico has pledged to reduce their GHG emissions by 22% and their carbon emissions by 51%, compared to the baseline level, by 2030. Following from this, INECC and the Danish Energy Agency have collaborated on economic modelling activities within the framework of the Mexico-Denmark Energy and Climate Change Programme.

Ea Energy Analyses in cooperation with UNAM carried out an analysis of three main scenarios, where the climate ambitious were varied from business-as-usual over NDC to a 1.5-degree scenario. A focused analysis of fuel oil production was also finalised.

Further analyses are ongoing where focussed investigation is caried out of the impact of an electrified transport, of an improved transmission system on the climate goals and the opportunities that green hydrogen could entail for the Mexican power sector.

Ea also held Balmorel training in order to build capacity within INECC, UNAM, SEMARNAT, CFE, SENER, CONUEE, INEEL, and CENACE.