Ea Energianalyse har gennemført en gennemgang af eksisterende undersøgelser af den energibesparende effekt af feedback. Feedback om energiforbrug beskrives som et virkemiddel til at fremme energibesparelser.
Undersøgesen vurderede kritisk kvaliteten af de mange analyser og har sammenfattet hvilken effekt, som kan forventes af forskellig typer feedback, fx forbindelsen mellem varmeforbrug og information om forbrug baseret på manuel aflæsning af målere.
EU’s energieffektiviseringsdirektiv stiller krav til brug af feedback, idet der lægges vægt på at brugerne løbende skal modtage faktureringsoplysninger.
Ea Energianalyse gennemførte undersøgelsen for Energistyrelsen i perioden marts 2015 til maj 2015.
I et senere projekt har Ea bygget videre på undersøgelsen og analyseret omkostningerne ved hyppigere udsendelse af faktureringsoplysninger til energiforbrugere for Energistyrelsen.
AECOM (2011): “Energy Demand Research Project: Final Analysis”. www.ofgem.gov.uk/ofgem-publications/59105/energy-demand-research-project-final-analysis.pdf
Allcott, H. (2010): Social norms and energy conservation, Journal of Public Economics.
Carroll, J., S. Lyons and E. Denny (2013): “Reducing Electricity Demand through Smart Metering: The Role of Improved Household Knowledge”, Trinity Economics Papers. www.tcd.ie/Economics/TEP/2013/TEP0313.pdf
Christiansen, E., A. M. Kanstrup, A. Grønhøj, A. Larsen (2009): Elforbrug på e-mail & sms: Rapport om 22 husholdningers erfaringer efter et års feedback.
Darby, S. (2006): The effectiveness of feedback on energy consumption. A review for DEFRA of the literature on metering, billing and direct displays. Oxford University.
Darby, S. et al (2011): Large-scale testing of new technology: some lessons from the UK smart metering and feedback trials. ECEEE.
Darby, S. et al. (2015): Smart Metering Early Learning Project: Synthesis re-port. DECC. Main report and annexes.
DECC (2015): Smart Metering Early Learning Project: Domestic Energy Consumption Analysis.
Delmas, M. A., Fischlein, M., Asensio, O. (2013): Information strategies and energy conservation behavior: A meta-analysis of experimental studies from1975to2012. Energy Policy, 61., 729-739.
D’Oca, S., Corgnati, S.P. and Buso, T. (2014): Smart meters and energy savings in Italy: Determining the effectiveness of persuasive communication in dwellings. Energy Research and Social Science, 3., 131-142.
Ehrhardt-Martinez, K, K. A. Donnelly and J. A. Laitner (2010): Advanced Metering Initiatives and Residential Feedback Programs: A Meta-Review for Household Electricity-Saving Opportunities. ACEEE, Report Number E105
EEA (2013): Achieving energy efficiency through behaviour change: what does it take? European Environmental Agency Technical Report. No 5/2012
Enright, T., A. Faruqui (2012): A bibliography on dynamic pricing of electricity, version 1.0 (contain 175 references).
EPRI (2009): Residential Electricity Use Feedback: A Research Synthesis and Economic Framework. Final report. Electric Power Research Institute.
Felsmann, C. and Schmidt, J. (2003): Effects of consumption-dependent billing as a function of the standard of energy efficiency in buildings. Final report
Dresden Technical University.
Fischer, C. (2007): Influencing Electricity Consumption via Consumer Feed-back. A Review of Experience. ECEEE 2007 Summer Study, 4-9 June 2007.
Fischer, C. (2008): Feedback on household electricity consumption: a tool for saving energy? Energy Efficiency, Vol 1:79–104.
Gleerup, M.; A. Larsen, S. Leth-Petersen, M. Togeby (2010): The effect of feedback by SMS-text messages and email on household electricity consumption : Experimental evidence. Energy Journal, Vol. 31, Nr. 3, 2010, s. 113-132.
Kathryn Buchanan, Riccardo Russo, Ben Anderson (2015): The question of energy reduction: The problem(s) with feedback. Energy Policy, Volume 77, Pages 89–96.
Kerr, R and Tondro, M (2012): Residential feedback. Devices and programs: opportunities for natural gas. U.S. Department of Energy.
Kofod, C. (2013): Fastlæggelse af danske standardværdier for Feedback.
Morgenstern P., Lowe, R., Lai Fong Chiu (2015): Heat metering: socio-technical challenges in district-heated social housing. Building Research and Information, 43., 197-209.
Nilsson, A., C. J. Bergstad, L. Thuvander, D. Andersson, K. Andersson, P. Meiling (2014): Effects of continuous feedback on households’ electricity consumption: Potentials and barriers. Applied Energy, Volume 122, Pages 17–23.
Novikova, A. et al. (2011): Information tools for energy demand reduction in existing residential buildings. Climate Policy Initiative.
Räsänen T, Ruuskanen J, Kolehmainen M. (2008): Reducing energy consumption by using self-organizing maps to create more personalized electricity use information. Applied Energy 2008:85:830-840.
Schembri, J. (2008): The Influence of Home Energy Management Systems on the Behaviours of Residential Electricity Consumers: An Ontario, Canada Case Study. University of Waterloo.
Schleich, J., M. Klobasa, M. Brunner, S. Gölz (2011): Effects of feedback on residential electricity demand.
Schleich, J., M. Klobasa, M. Brunner, S. Gölz, K. Götz, G. Sunderer (2011): “Smart metering in Germany and Austria – results of providing feedback information in a field trial”, Fraunhofer.
SEAS/NVE (2015): Vind med nye elvaner. Slutrapport på elpristesten.
Ueno, T., F. Sano, O. Saeki, K. Tsuji (2006): Effectiveness of an energy consumption information system on energy savings in residential houses based on monitored data. Applied Energy 83 166–183.
van Elburg, H. (2008): Subject Report on Effective Customer Feedback Mechanisms. ESMA project.
Vassileva, I. and Campillo, J. (2014): Increasing energy efficiency in low-income households through targeting awareness and behavioral change. Renewable Energy, 67., 59-63
Vine, D., L. Buys, and P. Morris (2013): The effectiveness of energy feedback for conservation and peak demand: a literature review. Open Journal of Energy Efficiency, 2(1), pp. 7-15.
Wilhite, H. and R. Ling. 1995. Measured Energy Savings From a More Informative Energy Bill. Energy and Buildings 22: 145-155.
Wilhite, H. (1999): Advances in the use of consumption feedback information in energy billing: the experiences of a Norwegian energy utility. ECEEE.
Winett, R. A., M. S. Neale and H. C. Grier (1979): Effects of Self-Monitoring and Feedback on Residential Electricity Consumption. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 12., 173-184.
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