Energy end use, efficiency and demand response

Ea Energy Analyses uses the knowledge on energy systems and regulation to work with energy savings and efficiency in a number of projects in several countries.

Energy efficiency and deployment of renewable energy must go hand-in-hand if we are to reach our global climate goals. Expertise on energy efficiency is therefore an integral part of the portfolio of Ea Energy Analyses. 

Exploiting advancements in IT-technology and roll-out of smart meters, we analyse the opportunities for optimising the interaction between energy supply and demand but also for cost-effective EE improvements.  

Energy consumption of buildings make up a significant share of the total energy consumption, but renovation of the existing building stock remains a challenge. We assess the investments needed and what business models can deliver the change. Lending visibility to the multiple benefits of EE can provide additional mutual leverage. 

It is the ambition of Ea to influence local and global policy making by sharing good practices and lessons learned – and to lend strength to a Nordic voice in the EU policy development. 

On going

The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we are working on.

Load dispatch of district heating production in the Greater Copenhagen area

The district heating companies CTR, HOFOR and VEKS run a common load dispatch unit (, which takes care of the daily heat planning of operations and ensure that load..

On going

Framework contracts on energy analyses

As a part of a consortium with COWI, Viegand Maagøe and the Technical University of Denmark, Ea Energy Analyses is contributing with analyses for projects within five framework..

31 December 2024

Completed projects

The list of projects below illustrates the types of projects we have been working on.


Analysis of energy efficiency potential

For Danish Industry, member organisation for Danish companies, Ea has carried out an analysis of the interaction between energy efficiency and the supply system, including how actions within..

31 October 2023

The Danish wood pellet market in 2022

On behalf of the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses has mapped the total demand and supply of wood pellets to the Danish market in 2022. This is..

30 November 2023

Energy security in the context of energy transition – Lessons and Challenges within Europe and China

With the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, world leaders emphasised the need to limit global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century to curb..

30 November 2023

Role of demand flexibility in the European power system

Ea Energy Analyses prepared a study for Danfoss to examine the impact of demand-side flexibility in the future European power system. A long-term analysis was conducted for 2025,..

31 October 2023


Analysis of the electricity retail market

Ea has carried out an internal analysis of the electricity retail market for the Danish Energy Agency, focusing on small consumers such as households and small and medium..

6 March 2022

Ea participates in Energifonden’s Summer School

Every summer Energifonden (the Energy Fund) carries out their Summer School event for participants from government bodies, municipalities, interest organisations, energy companies, advisors, NGO’s etc., about the development..

31 August 2022

Energy Country Programs and Projects, ECPP

Under the auspices of the ‘Energy Country Program and Project’, the Danish Energy Agency provides technical assistance combined with policy dialogue in promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency,..

31 December 2022


Digital solutions for energy efficiency

Ea has investigated the socio-economic and energy related potential for energy savings through digital solutions for energy efficiency in the building mass towards 2030. This means efficiencies obtained..

1 August 2021

The impact of the EU climate targets on the Danish export of energy technologies

In December 2020, the EU agreed on increasing the ambitions for reduction of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, so that the target is now a..

28 February 2021

Update and revision of the new energy strategy for Ukraine

The aim of this assignment was to improve modelling of the power system to be able to update and revise the Energy Strategy of Ukraine. The project is..

31 March 2021

Short-term forecasting of energy balances in Ukraine

There are several factors that cause variability of electricity production by specific power plants in Ukraine. As these factors of uncertainty can occur systematically, the Ukrainian Ministry of..

31 January 2021


Energy savings potential in renovations

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses has carried out an analysis for EjendomDanmark (The Danish Property Federation) with the purpose of clarifying the potential for energy savings and..

31 May 2020

Climate partnership for the construction sector

In this project Ea Energy Analyses carried out an analysis on how initiatives on the energy consumption of buildings can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark..

18 March 2020

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions towards 2030 – possibilities and costs

Ea Energy Analyses has assisted the climate partnership for the energy and supply sector with an analysis of several initiatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark towards..

31 March 2020

Climate plan Helsingør Municipality 2045

During 2018 and 2019, Ea Energy Analyses assisted Helsingør Municipality in developing an action and climate plan for the municipality towards 2030, based on a wish for a..

18 March 2020

Boosting Renewable Energy as part of China’s Energy Revolution

Boosting Renewable Energy as a part of China’s energy revolution was a strategic research project – a five-year program – sponsored by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)...

31 December 2020

Nordic Clean Energy Progress

The five Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – have some of the most ambitious energy and climate policies in the world. Despite this, achieving..

19 June 2020


The value of derivative effects associated with energy renovation of buildings

Energy efficiency projects often have derivative effects, which are typically not explicitly recognised in the project economy. Many studies of derivative effects have been conducted over the years,..

29 November 2019

Analysis of Danish energy companies’ reported cost in 2017

Danish energy companies annually realise energy efficiency targets in accordance with the Danish Energy Efficiency Obligation. The costs of the companies’ energy saving activities are covered as a..

21 June 2019

Energy savings analysis

In this project, Ea Energy Analyses carried out an analysis for Synergi, with the purpose of determining the economic potential of energy savings in light of the long-term..

30 June 2019

Electrification report for TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne

In collaboration with TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne, Ea Energy Analyses has made a report, which investigates the influence of electrification on the field of mechanical and electrical contract work in..

30 June 2019

Transport analysis for climate plan

In order to determine the effects of a variety of potential political initiatives in the road transport sector, Ea Energy Analyses carried out impact assessments and private economy..

31 January 2019

Data centres and the need for renewable energy

A number of data centres are planned or are under construction in Denmark, and the Danish Energy Agency expects them to have an electricity usage corresponding to about..

30 April 2019

Flue gas condensation at Køge CHP

Køge CHP (KKV) consists of two wood chip fired blocks, KKV7 and KKV8, where KKV7 was put into operation in 1987, and KKV8 in 1999. The plant was..

31 December 2019

Mexico Renewable Energy Outlook 2018

In close cooperation with the Department of General Planning, SENER, the UNAM/SIMISE team and the Danish Energy Agency, Ea Energy Analyses have written a report to produce input..

31 May 2019


Optimal heat-saving level in the existing building stock

It is a political goal for Denmark to be a low carbon economy by 2050, independent of fossil fuels, where renewable energy production is sufficient to cover total..

30 June 2018

Capacity Building to improve Energy Efficiency in Power Plants in Indonesia

Indonesia and Denmark are cooperating through an Environmental Support Programme, with the objective to support the Government of Indonesia in reconciling economic growth with sustainable development through improved..

30 November 2018

Intelligent buildings in a smart energy system

Sweco and Ea Energy Analyses have, on behalf of the Danish Energy Agency, prepared an assessment of the potential for contribution by buildings to flexibility in the electricity..

31 October 2018

Analysis of surplus production in Ilulissat

Since the inauguration of the hydro power plant Paakitsoq at Ilulissat in 2012, it has become apparent that the potential for production from the plant is higher than..

31 January 2018

Demand response potential in Lithuania

Acknowledging the importance of integrating demand response (DR) and energy efficiency measures in EU member states, LITGRID AB (Lithuanian TSO) and Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB (Lithuanian DSO) initiated..

31 March 2018

Analysis of Danish energy companies' reported cost

The Danish energy companies annually realise energy efficiency targets in accordance with the Danish Energy Efficiency Obligation. The costs of the companies’ energy saving activities are covered as..

31 October 2018


Danish energy companies' reported cost under the Energy Efficiency Obligation

The Danish energy companies annually realise energy efficiency targets in accordance with the Danish Energy Efficiency Obligation. The costs of the companies’ energy saving activities are covered as..

30 September 2016

Energy Efficiency Directive implementation in the Nordic countries

Article 8 of the of the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) concerns energy audits and energy management systems. Ea Energy Analyses assisted Elkjøp Nordic in mapping the regulatory framework and supporting mechanism..

28 February 2016


Industrial energy efficiency in Egypt

Egypt has large energy resources but a steadily growing energy demand is putting supply under pressure – especially electricity supply. Furthermore, Egypt is facing a transition from subsidised..

31 March 2015

Costs associated with frequent billing information

To comply with the directive on energy efficiency article 10 and 11, Ea Energy Analyses have been commissioned by the Danish Energy Agency to analyse the costs associated..

31 October 2015

LED calculator for small and medium sized retail businesses

As part of the Growth Agreement of July 14th, 2014, the Danish Climate, Energy and Building Ministry created an Energy Savings Secretariat, under the Danish Energy Agency. The..

30 September 2015

Energy saving effects of feedback on energy consumption

Ea Energy Analyses conducted a review of existing studies of the energy saving effects of feedback. Feedback on energy consumptions is described as an instrument to promote energy..

31 May 2015

Strategic energy planning in the Capital Region of Denmark

The Capital Region of Denmark, Local Government Denmark (Capital section) and the 29 municipalities in the region, utilities, knowledge institutions and consultants, as well as the partner organisation..

31 August 2015

Experience of private businesses with energy efficiency

The Energy Saving Secretariat under the Danish Energy Agency was created in the autumn 2014 and has as aim to promote energy savings in private businesses, in particular..

31 May 2015


Energy efficiency measures in Luxembourg

Article 7 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive of 2012 requires that all EU Member States achieve certain amount of final energy savings over the period 01 January..

30 November 2014

Smart grid ready buildings

Following the transition towards a carbon free energy supply, we are going to see an increase in the demand for smart grid solutions within every part of the..

31 August 2014


Electricity demand as frequency controlled reserve – Implementation and practical demonstration

As the amounts of electricity production from renewable energies increase in the electricity system, ancillary system services are getting greater attention. These services ensure the energy balance in..

31 July 2013

Flexpower – testing a market design

In Denmark, central power plants have traditionally been the primary providers of regulating power, i.e. increases or decreases in electricity production with short notice. Expanding the share of..

31 December 2013

Efficiency is more than energy

Traditionally, energy advisers and their clients see the value of energy efficiency improvement as saved energy times the energy price. This perception constitutes a barrier to the implementation..

31 December 2013

Calculating energy use of private consumers

Ea Energy Analyses has developed a database driven method for calculating the energy use of private consumers on behalf of the Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs...

31 December 2013

Analyses of energy efficiency obligations and alternative systems

Ea Energy Analyses has conducted an analysis of selected energy efficiency obligations (EEOs) and alternative policy instruments aimed at furthering energy efficiency. The purpose of the analysis was..

30 September 2013


Assistance to Nordic Council of Ministers - Kaliningrad

Dialogue and knowledge exchange on energy related issues and practises among the Baltic Sea States may provide a platform of collaboration fruitful to the joint regional development for..

1 January 2012

Common issues and measures that can improve the Nordic electricity market

On behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Electricity Market Group, Ea Energy Analyses, in collaboration with Hagman Energy AB, has conducted an assessment of common issues and..

31 May 2012

Evaluation of the Danish Knowledge Center for Energy Savings in Buildings

Ea Energy Analyses conducted an evaluation of the Danish Knowledge Center for Energy Savings in Buildings for the Danish Energy Saving Trust. The evaluation of the Knowledge Center..

31 May 2012

Energy efficiency obligation – evaluation of impact and cost

Ea Energy Analyses, in collaboration with NIRAS and Viegand & Maagøe, has conducted an evaluation of the energy companies’ energy efficiency obligation with a view to making recommendations..

31 May 2012

A Nordic view on EU Energy Efficiency targets

`A Nordic view on EU Energy Efficiency targets´ was a project for the Nordic Council of Ministers Working Group for Energy Efficiency (AGEE), carried out by the Swedish..

30 November 2012


The effect of building regulations on energy consumption in single-family houses in Denmark

An important part of the work on energy savings is to evaluate the effect of measures for control. Based on this, Ea Energy Analyses and Roskilde University (the..

31 March 2011

Practical handling of additionality in the energy companies' energy saving activities

A key element in the evaluation of energy policy instruments is to measure the net effect of these. On behalf of the Danish Energy Association, Ea Energy Analyses has described how the framework conditions for such instruments can be designed tomaximise the net effect.

31 March 2011

The intelligent energy system - possibilities and challenges

On behalf of the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, Ea Energy Analyses has made a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, options and threats) of the intelligent energy system based..

31 March 2011

City of Copenhagen – Energy supply 2025

The City of Copenhagen has a vision of being carbon neutral by 2025. According to the Copenhagen Climate Plan, a strategy to achieve the goal must be presented..

31 March 2011

Potential for demand response within industry, trade and service

On behalf of and the Danish Energy Association, Ea Energy Analyses has analysed the potential for demand response within industry and trade and service.

31 May 2011


Guide to emergency preparedness in public institutions

In 2010 the Danish Energy Authority (now the Danish Energy Agency) asked Ea Energy Analyses to carry out a set of guidelines for emergency preparedness in public institutions..

30 April 2010

Scenarios and analyses of policy measures for the Danish Climate Commission

In March 2008, the Danish government set up the Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy consisting of ten scientists specialising in energy, climate, transport, agriculture and economy. The..

30 September 2010

White Paper on the intelligent energy system

With increasing amounts of wind power, developing the overall energy system into a more dynamic system becomes all the more important. A wide range of national and international..

31 May 2010

ESCO – Suitable for promotion of energy savings in individual households?

ESCO is an abbreviation of Energy Service Company. There are indications that the traditional ESCO format, as defined by the EU, is not optimal as leverage for energy..

30 April 2010


Action plan for Djurs Energiland

Ea Energy Analyses has been assisting the municipalities of Norddjurs and Syddjurs in the development of an action plan for Djurs Energiland, including a statistical basis for the..

31 October 2009

Green taxes on the industrial sector in Denmark

The project reviewed the current level of energy taxes on the industrial sector and evaluated how changes to the level of energy taxation could influence energy efficient behaviour..

28 February 2009

Financial products to promote energy efficiency in buildings

This analysis describes experiences in Denmark and abroad with financing of energy efficiency in buildings. Some private banks abroad have developed niche products for financing energy efficiency in..

31 January 2009

Demand response in households

The project demonstrated how electrically heated households can respond to fluctuations in electricity prices. More than 500 households participated in the demonstration project. Only automatic devices were effectiveThe..

1 October 2009


Evaluation of the Danish energy savings effort

According to the Danish energy policy agreement of 21 February 2008, an independent evaluation of the Danish energy savings effort should be implemented before the end of 2008...

31 December 2008

Electricity demand as frequency controlled reserve

Together with the Centre for Electric Technology, DTU, Ea Energy Analyses carried out a research project on the potentials for using frequency controlled demand as reserves in the electricity..

30 September 2008


Energy poverty alleviation - Cape Town, South Africa

The project involved developing a catalogue on tariff models that can be used to address energy poverty in Cape Town. The catalogue focuses on various tariff models for..

31 December 2007

White certificates – what can we learn from other countries?

Ea Energy Analyses has analysed the schemes for white certificates in the UK, France and Italy. The aim was to examine what Denmark can learn from these countries..

30 November 2007

The future Danish energy system

In 2003, the Danish Board of Technology initiated two energy projects: “Energy as Growth Area” and “When the Cheap Oil Runs Out”. The results of both of these..

30 September 2007


Energy savings in district heating areas - possibilities and costs

On behalf of the Danish District Heating Association, Ea Energy Analyses has analysed the possibilities of realising energy savings in connection with district heating networks. A special challenge is..

31 May 2006

Analyses of Demand Response in Denmark

What is the value of demand response? In this project, the Balmorel model has been used to calculate the value of demand response in a Monte Carlo set-up,..

31 October 2006